A friend of mine, Alison, from college contacted me to do a soccer party pack for her son's 2nd birthday. Her & her family live in Peru, and she said it's always a challenge to find cute & quality party goods, I was so excited to get to help her out! She was SO much fun to work with & I love the black, white & green that we used.
water bottle labels
food tent cards
{Alison came up with the cutest names for all the food that went along with the soccer theme!}
favor tags
{& the cutie birthday boy!}

ok, terrible that i just now looked at this, but thanks for all of the sweet comments! i LOVED it all, really! thanks again for your great work, we really loved how it all turned out. even just today my dad asked corban over skype if he had gone to a birthday party (because we celebrated with a friend a couple of days ago), and he said, "YEAH! My doccer ball birday party!!" he loved it all, too and can't stop talking about it!!